University Automation System/ERP System
UNIVERSITY AUTOMATION SYSTEM / ERP should be centralize, role based, secure system hosted on Cloud. There are several Modules inside UNIVERSITY AUTOMATION SYSTEM / ERP that will facilitate the College Employee and the Students of the College to automate the manual process. .A university automation system / ERP System is an application that digitizes and streamlines the operation of colleges and universities. It helps carry out the everyday chores online and helps
manage admin, academic, and non-academic activities. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities such as accounting, procurement, project management, risk management and compliance, and supply chain operations.
- Should be on ac.in/edu.in domain as NAAC/MHRD recommendation
- SSL Certificate
- Responsive Design
- Dynamic Unlimited Pages that may Create/Modify by the College Admin
- Dynamic Category by News/Notice/Tender with date and time of publish
- Dynamic Slider and Photo Gallery.
- NAAC Required Reports and Data.
- Dynamic Faculty Profile and Notes/Assignment Uploading facility to Faculty
- Student Dashboard
- Inquiry Follow up System
- Online Registration for Inter/Diploma/UG/PG Courses
- Online Registration Payment
- Inquiry Conversion Report
- Centralized Database
- Custom Form Builder
- Bulk Upload Students
- Auto-generate ID Cards & Passes
- Student Certificates Apply (CLC/NOC/ etc.)
- Various Inquiry/Analytical Reports (state, city, gender, etc.)
- Secure Student Information Storage
- Students receive SMS and email alerts of fees transactions
- User Creation and Role distribution
- Creation of Master Data (Dept./Course/Subject/ etc.)
- Data Entry/Upload During College Admission
- Creation of Admitted Student Records
- Fee Head Creation
- Department/Subject-wise Faculty Allotment
- Updating the Student Dues & Fines
- Issuance of Certificates
- Scholarship & Fee Concession Activity
- Various Inquiry/Analytical Reports
- Lodge the Grievance by the Student/Staff/Faculty
- View the Status of Grievance
- Concern authority replay and End the case
- Feedback module for Student
- Feedback module for Student
- Book Bank
- Books Barcode Generation
- Stock Verification
- Books Issue and Return Record
- Overdue and Recall Notices
- Notices and Reminders
- Book Fines
- Book Reservation
- Various Inquiry/Analytical Reports
- Training and Placement Portal
- Upload Resume and Other Documents
- Student Academic Data
- Placement Registration
- Placement Drive and Invitation
- Interviews Applications
- Filters Based on Attendance, 10th,12th Marks, etc.
- Training and Placement Updates
- Placement Notices and Circulars
- Industrial Training
- Industry Training Project Report
- Company Registration
- Company Profiles, Eligibility Criteria, and Reports
- Build & Maintain an Updated Alumni Database
- Plan & Organize Successful Reunions / Alumni Meets
- Involve Alumni in Student Development Manage Chapter, Batch & Special Interest Groups
- Raise Funds from Alumni via seamless online payments
- Social Media Integration
- Classroom Management
- Auto Timetable Generation
- Attendance Management
- Manage Class Assignments
- Classroom Performance Reports
- Student Academic Assessment
- Examination Management
- Ebook Management
- Multiple Grading Systems Supported
- Attendance Entry by Biometric Device/Faculty
- Attendance Tracking
- Monthly Attendance Letter
- Provisionally Cleared Student
- Upload/Update Leave Applications
- Automated Examination Debarred List
- Communication through SMS, letters and email to parents
- Various Inquiry/Analytical Reports
- Hostel Enrollment
- Hostel Infrastructure
- Hostel Attendance
- Hostel Leave Tracking
- Hostel Gate Pass Approvals
- Hostel Documents Uploads
- Hostel Visitor Records
- Room and Mess Allotment
- Hostel Bill and Fines online Payment
- Supplier & Vendor Master Data
- Stock location
- Stock entry
- Stock issue and return
- Stock Verification
- No Dues Certificate
- Stock Verification
- MIS Report (Stock issue/returned, Stock Under different Scheme/Project)