College Automation System/ERP System
COLLEGE AUTOMATION ERP should be centralize, role based, secure system hosted on Cloud. There are several Modules inside COLLEGE AUTOMATION ERP that will facilitate the College Employee and the Students of the College to automate the manual process. .A college automation system/ERP System is an application that digitizes and streamlines the operation of colleges and universities. It helps carry out the everyday chores online and helps manage admin, academic, and non-academic activities. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) refers to a type of software that organizations use to manage day-to-day business activities such as accounting, procurement, project management, risk management and compliance, and supply chain operations.
- Should be on ac.in/edu.in domain as NAAC/MHRD recommendation
- SSL Certificate
- Responsive Design
- Dynamic Unlimited Pages that may Create/Modify by the College Admin
- Dynamic Category by News/Notice/Tender with date and time of publish
- Dynamic Slider and Photo Gallery.
- NAAC Required Reports and Data.
- Dynamic Faculty Profile and Notes/Assignment Uploading facility to Faculty
- Student Dashboard
- Inquiry Follow up System
- Online Registration for Inter/Diploma/UG/PG Courses
- Online Registration Payment
- Inquiry Conversion Report
- Centralized Database
- Custom Form Builder
- Bulk Upload Students
- Auto-generate ID Cards & Passes
- Student Certificates Apply (CLC/NOC/ etc.)
- Various Inquiry/Analytical Reports (state, city, gender, etc.)
- Secure Student Information Storage
- Students receive SMS and email alerts of fees transactions
- User Creation and Role distribution
- Creation of Master Data (Dept./Course/Subject/ etc.)
- Data Entry/Upload During College Admission
- Creation of Admitted Student Records
- Fee Head Creation
- Department/Subject-wise Faculty Allotment
- Updating the Student Dues & Fines
- Issuance of Certificates
- Scholarship & Fee Concession Activity
- Various Inquiry/Analytical Reports
- Lodge the Grievance by the Student/Staff/Faculty
- View the Status of Grievance
- Concern authority replay and End the case
- Feedback module for Student
- Feedback module for Student
- Book Bank
- Books Barcode Generation
- Stock Verification
- Books Issue and Return Record
- Overdue and Recall Notices
- Notices and Reminders
- Book Fines
- Book Reservation
- Various Inquiry/Analytical Reports
- Training and Placement Portal
- Upload Resume and Other Documents
- Student Academic Data
- Placement Registration
- Placement Drive and Invitation
- Interviews Applications
- Filters Based on Attendance, 10th,12th Marks, etc.
- Training and Placement Updates
- Placement Notices and Circulars
- Industrial Training
- Industry Training Project Report
- Company Registration
- Company Profiles, Eligibility Criteria, and Reports
- Build & Maintain an Updated Alumni Database
- Plan & Organize Successful Reunions / Alumni Meets
- Involve Alumni in Student Development Manage Chapter, Batch & Special Interest Groups
- Raise Funds from Alumni via seamless online payments
- Social Media Integration
- Classroom Management
- Auto Timetable Generation
- Attendance Management
- Manage Class Assignments
- Classroom Performance Reports
- Student Academic Assessment
- Examination Management
- Ebook Management
- Multiple Grading Systems Supported
- Attendance Entry by Biometric Device/Faculty
- Attendance Tracking
- Monthly Attendance Letter
- Provisionally Cleared Student
- Upload/Update Leave Applications
- Automated Examination Debarred List
- Communication through SMS, letters and email to parents
- Various Inquiry/Analytical Reports
- Hostel Enrollment
- Hostel Infrastructure
- Hostel Attendance
- Hostel Leave Tracking
- Hostel Gate Pass Approvals
- Hostel Documents Uploads
- Hostel Visitor Records
- Room and Mess Allotment
- Hostel Bill and Fines online Payment
- Supplier & Vendor Master Data
- Stock location
- Stock entry
- Stock issue and return
- Stock Verification
- No Dues Certificate
- Stock Verification
- MIS Report (Stock issue/returned, Stock Under different Scheme/Project)